Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Learn Effective Time Management Strategies - Use Your Time Wisely

You might have heard this statement from many people - "I don't have time for that". Even you may have been guilty of saying that statement many times.

However, you will be glad to know that if you learn effective time management strategies and skills, you won't have to use such statements again in your life. You can either completely eliminate the use of such statements, or at least reduce them drastically.

All of us have got 24 hours in a day. Each hour has 60 minutes for each of us. However you might have noticed that some people are able to get a lot of work done in those 24 hours, while others lag behind a lot. Did you ever wonder why this is so?

If you notice super-achievers and productive people, you will find most of them are very good time managers. Even you can become one by learning and applying effective time management strategies in your life. Let us cover a few strategies and tips in this article. Are you ready?

1. Don't Delay Things Unnecessarily - Many people wait to do work till it becomes very urgent. This is a big mistake. The mistake many people make is that if they need to do some work, they will think whether that work can be done the next day or not. If the work can wait, then they are likely to delay it. People will normally keep postponing something till it becomes very urgent.

When the thing finally becomes urgent, then these people will become frantic and worried. They will hurry do get the thing done. You might be able to finally get the work done on time, but you will suffer from one problem. You will feel tired and exhausted because of all this hurrying.

You won't have the energy to do more things. So the first step in effective time management is to try to complete any work as soon as you can. There is no point in delaying work unnecessarily just because it is not urgent yet!

2. Plan It Out - One of the most effective time management strategies is to plan out your day. It would be better to plan out complete week in advance. You will know beforehand what things need to be done by the end of the day or the week.

Every Sunday, sit down quietly for 30 minutes with a pen and paper. Write down all important things that need to be done during that week. Decide what things have to be done on Monday, Tuesday etc. If you have a long list of tasks, then strike out those which are less important.

Close your eyes and imagine doing all the tasks one by one, on the specified day of the week. Now you will have a rough idea of what things need to be done this week. You can schedule and organize your time likewise.


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